Dear all,
I am experiencing the above error at every refresh for every single cluster network resources (cluster name, replica broker, CAU) on a two-node Hyper-V 2012 cluster. The system works smoothly, all the resources are online and working properly, AD and DNS corresponding entries are correctly populated (cluster CNO has full control on both of them).
I followed many of the procedures described in this forum (reset of the cluster AD entry and cluster name repair from the FOC MMC, Get-ClusterResource "xxxx" | Update-ClusterNetworkNameResource) but I still get the error....
I have three groups of NIC/Hypervisor: Public, iSCSI and Cluster (for live migration/heartbeat), but I set just the public one to register on DNS servers; is that ok?
Another hypothesis: since we still have two physical windows server 2003 DC/DNS in our domain (functional level 2k3), could they be the problem? In a test environment, after adding a 2012 vDC to a P2V 2k3 DC and demoting it afterwards, this error didn't show.
Hope I did manage to explain my issue, please do not hesitate to ask for further information.