Hi All,
Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong forums however we seem to have a problem with a cluster set where we are running 5 blades (Server 2012) and the VMs are reporting "Unsupported Cluster Configuration".
Searching the web shows that we may have an issue with the networking setup, and so I've been attempting to resolve this. However I keep getting an Information (26844): Virtual Switch (Site Logical Switch) is not highly available because the switch is not available in host (BLADE03).
Examining the "Fabric -> Networking -> Logical Networks -> Hosts" shows sometimes that it's Fully compliant, and other times after refreshing, it says "Unknown". Also clicking re-mediate doesn't appear to do anything.
When going back to "VMs and Services" if I bring up the properties of Blade03, and go to the Virtual Switches, it doesn't display anything. If I attempt to add in a "New Virtual Switch" I get told that there is already one there. My problem is that Blade02 is the only one that shows the logical switches, and Blade01, Blade03, Blade04 and Blade05, are not showing the logical switches at all.
If I connect with the Hyper-V Manager to the blade directly, I can see that the virtual switch exists. I have deleted a virtual switch on Blade01 in the hopes to re-add it using the VMM, however now on Blade01, I get an error:
Error (2912)
An internal error has occurred trying to contact Blade01.mydomain.local server.:.
WinRM: URL: [http://blade01.mydomain.local:5985], Verb: [GET], Resource: [http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/rot/scvmm/ErrorInfo?ID1003]
Unknown Error (0x80041008)
Recommended Action
Check that WS-Manamement Service is installed and running on server blade01.mydomain.local. For more information use the command "winrm helpmsg hresult". If blade01.mydomain.local is a host/library/update server or a PXE server eole then ensure that VMM agent is installed and running.
Is there anything that I can do to fix the issue?
Thanks in advance.