I am having a problem with one of our cluster nodes and it's connection the SAN where all the VMs are stored. I came in this morning to find a warning on the SAN, with a bit of further investigation I found that one of the sessions on the iSCSI initiator was in a "Reconnecting" status. I removed it, but was unable to re-add it, every time I try I get the error "Connection Failed".
I migrated all VMs off the node and restarted it to see if that would make a difference, it hasn't.
In the System event log, when I try and create the connection I am getting 2 errors:
1) Initiator failed to connect to the target. Target IP address and TCP Port number are given in dump data
2) Error occurred when processing iSCSI logon request. The request was not retried. Error status is given in the dump data.
There doesn't appear to be a problem with the SAN as other nodes are connected to it perfectly fine.
OS is Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter
Does anybody have any ideas on how to resolve this?