Recently we were applying Windows Updates to the nodes in our cluster. When we attempted to move an instance of SQL back to an updated node it failed. I found & fixed a problem with the domain account that SQL runs as on the node where we tried to move to.
When we tried to move SQL again, we got a different error an Event ID 1207 with 'Unable to obtain the Primary Cluster Name Identity token.' In researching this I came accros this Forum entry, which lead me to this as a possible solution
So I troop-off to my domain controllers. DNS has the servers & virtual server entries. However, it appears someone deleted the 3 server (nodes) of my cluster from the AD Computers OU.
I restored the AD, but my oldest backup doesn't contain the servers, so now I'm stuck trying to figure out the easiset solution to the problem. These are production servers, so rebuilding the cluster could be beyond scope.
Can I just re-add the servers to the AD Computers OU? Or are there additional tasks that I need to undertake.