Hi all, I'm having some issues with live migrations of virtual machines that have .vhd files in our Windows 2012R2 hyper-v clusters. When I perform a live migration of a virtual machine that has a .vhd disk file, it randomly pauses around 60% for about 90 seconds and then completes the migration. During the time that it pauses at or around 60%, the virtual machine no longer pings. If you look in the Hyper-v logs, it posts a 20417 Event and says that the vm had an unexpectedly long blackout time of 110 seconds. It's always usually around 110 seconds. The live migration will complete but its causing problems for applications that run on the virtual machines, especially the SQL servers. It took awhile to narrow it down to where I only noticed this on vms with .vhd files. We had over 60 vms on a Windows 2008 R2 cluster that were migrated over to our Windows 2012 R2 hyper-v cluster. That's why we still have .vhd files on some vms.
Anyone else experiencing this problem? I'm looking for a solution to stop this from occurring. I understand that I can convert .vhd files to vhdx files, but I've got a lot of vms that I'd have to do this for.
Any feedback appreciated.