I have a 2 node windows 2008 r2 cluster running on on our Prodution site running as active and passive. Its has sql 2012 installed on it and has the shared storage all configured and everything is working well.
We know have a DR site, and we want to change this existing 2 node cluste to a multisite cluster, so we want to setup 2 nodes in the DR sites with its own storage and then add these nodes to this existing production cluster. So how would we change this existing cluster, would we have to change the quorum first, and change it from 'node and disk majority' to 'node and file share majority' and then create a file share witness at an external 3rd site we may have, and then add the 2 nodes to this existing cluster, or add the nodes first and then change the quorum settings. We only want to failover to the DR site, if the prod site goes completely down, or the 2 nodes in production site go down. If one node goes down in the the production site we only want it to failover to a node at production not to any of the nodes in DR.
Can anyone confirm the exacts steps to take to change this exisiting cluster to a multi site cluster with these requirements if its possible.
We will use sql availability groups to replicate to the databases from prod to DR.