Storage vendor setup arrays and LUNs on storage.
On Windows 2008 Entr. hosts we see these LUNs as hard drives.
Device Manger - Disk drives. They are sorted:
Disk Drive LUN 8
Disk Drive LUN 1
Disk Drive LUN 9
Disk Drive LUN 7
Disk Drive LUN 0
Disk Drive LUN 10
On one host we did: Online, Initialised, Format first two Disks.
LUN 0 Disk - we prepare as Quorum Q:
LUN 1 Disk - we prepare as MSDTC T:
On the other host we scan for changes and only bring disks Online
and change Dirver letter.
Then we install FailOver CLustering on host 1 and then on host 2.
Cluster Validation was ok on both hosts.
Create Cluster was also ok, BUT after that in Fail Over Cluster Management
we have situation:
Cluster Disk 1, Volume:(R)
Cluster Disk 2, Volume:(U)
First we think that we need to change only drive letters, to put Q and T,
as we didi at the beggining.
But Cluster Disk 1 , Quorum (R), was installed on Disk LUN 1
Cluster Disk 2, MSDTC (U), was installed on Disk LUN 0.
WHY Create CLuster "choose" LUN 1 for Cluster Disk 1 ??
I chek disk sigantures:
C:\>cluster res "Cluster disk 1" /priv
Listing private properties for 'Cluster disk 1':
T Resource Name Value
-- -------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
D Cluster disk 1 DiskIdType 0 (0x0)
D Cluster disk 1 DiskSignature 3699015254 (0xdc7a7e56)
S Cluster disk 1 DiskIdGuid
D Cluster disk 1 DiskRunChkDsk 0 (0x0)
B Cluster disk 1 DiskUniqueIds 10 00 00 00 ... (128 byte
B Cluster disk 1 DiskVolumeInfo 01 00 00 00 ... (48 bytes
D Cluster disk 1 DiskArbInterval 3 (0x3)
S Cluster disk 1 DiskPath
D Cluster disk 1 DiskReload 0 (0x0)
D Cluster disk 1 MaintenanceMode 0 (0x0)
D Cluster disk 1 MaxIoLatency 1000 (0x3e8)
C:\>cluster res "Cluster disk 2" /priv
Listing private properties for 'Cluster disk 2':
T Resource Name Value
-- -------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
D Cluster disk 2 DiskIdType 0 (0x0)
D Cluster disk 2 DiskSignature 3699015246 (0xdc7a7e4e)
S Cluster disk 2 DiskIdGuid
D Cluster disk 2 DiskRunChkDsk 0 (0x0)
B Cluster disk 2 DiskUniqueIds 10 00 00 00 ... (128 byte
B Cluster disk 2 DiskVolumeInfo 01 00 00 00 ... (48 bytes
D Cluster disk 2 DiskArbInterval 3 (0x3)
S Cluster disk 2 DiskPath
D Cluster disk 2 DiskReload 0 (0x0)
D Cluster disk 2 MaintenanceMode 0 (0x0)
D Cluster disk 2 MaxIoLatency 1000 (0x3e8)
Cluster disk 2, LUN 0, has "lower" signature, so I thougt that it should be "choose" first during Create Cluster - or I am wrong ?
We plan to put Quorum on LUN 0, but now LUN 0 is CLuster Disk 2.
I am afraid that could impact on cluster "stability" ...
Where we made mistake ???
They are some ideas to remove Cluster Disk 1 from Cluster Resources, but if any one have some good
advice/link/informatio about our situtation I would be gratefull :).
best regards,
thank you for your time,