Hi *.*
I'm experiencing a weird problem.
I've a Fujitsu CX420 S1, a sort of 2 blades server with a shared SAS controller, 4 900Gb SAS disks and 2 200GB SSD disks.
Installed 2012 R2 Std (the server is certified 2012 R2) on both blades, enabled Hyper-V role, configured SS, created a quorum volume without tiering, created a cluster, created a tiered volume, added to CSV, created a VM on it.
If the CSV is, for example on node1 and VM is on the same node, everything works at full speed (200MB/sec write & 300MB/sec read).
If I move the CSV on the opposite node the speed drop to near zero (600Byte/sec write & 20MB/sec read)
It looks like that the CSV is working always in redirected mode and using the HB for passing traffic but not even at 1GBit/sec
Please help!
I'm available for further info, just I'm running out of time to solve the problem (I've to deliver this cluster) before to fall back to the old method of a volume for every VM (no CSV).