I'm starting to test failover clustering with HYPERV and Server 2008R2. several weeks ago, i successfully validate 2 nodes with 1 error. That is the username being used doesn't have the privilege to create computer in the domain. I then requested a new username with the appropriate permission as listed on the docs. Now i tried the validate configuration again, but it won't even let me add a node. I'm getting this error:
Unable to determine if you have administrator privileges on server
'servername'. Please ensure sure that the server service and remote
registry services are enabled, and that the firewall is properly configured
for remote access.
I disabled firewall and all the services are enabled. but i'm still getting this error. the only thing that has changed since the last time i validated these 2 nodes are windows update.
Does anyone know how i should fix this? i'm trying to uninstall all the updates installed from several weeks ago. but this is going to take a while because i need to restart everytime i uninstall an update.