Hope ur all doing well, we have 2 physical Servers HV1 and HV2, both servers are part of VMs cluster, each
server hosts a CAS and an mbx HA VM i.e HV1 hosts CAS1, CAS2, and HV2 hosts MBX1 and MBX2. Few days ago CAS1 Server crashed, we created a new VM CAS3 from Fail-over Cluster Manager Console>> Services and applications, new vm created in the CSV storage
with the same settings (Processors, RAM, NICs) as of crashed CAS1 server, and recovered it with setup /m:RecoverServer..all goes well Server recovered successfully and added back to the CAS WNLB successfully and working all fine, just one PROBLEM,
CAS3 vm is unable to Live migrate, quick migrate or even unable to move on to the other host Server. When we live migrate it, it completes transfer 100% but comes back onto the original Host again with the following error in Cluster Events.
Even ID: 1205
"The Cluster service failed to bring clustered service or application 'CAS3' completely online or offline. One or more resources may be in a failed state. This may impact the availability of the clustered service or application."
Please suggest how can I dig into this error where can I start troubleshooting with what resources might be missing? In Failover Cluster Manager all the Resources are Green.