I've been looking for information on Converting a Physicaly Clustered Application (For Example Tomcat & Disks) to Hyper-V CSV Clustering W/ HA using the original hardware. We see that only a portion of the resources are being used and in this case it would allow for an upgraded version of the same application to run in a parrallel fasion as virtual machines until sign-Off besides providing scalability.
Preliminary Plan:
1.) Install the Hyper-V Role on the Passive MSCS Server.
2.) Rename the Standby MSCS Server but keep the Cluster in Tact (Note Rather Large disks are currently in the MSCS & will need to be served as Pass-Through Disks)
3.) Install a Guest OS for a New Virtual CSV / MSCS Node.
4.) *** Confirm Storage & networking are all attached...
5.) Validate the Hardware Configuration.
6.) Add the VM as a Failover Node to the MSCS.
7.) Verify Health, Failover & Recovery.
8.) Failover to the CSV/MSCS Passive Node.
9.) Repeat Steps 1 - 6 for the Active Node
7.) Commit
Note: The above would be completed all on the Same Machine w/ GUI...
Questions that come to mind:
Q1. Are Mixed (Hyper-V / Physical) Environments Supported this Way?
Q2. Will Failover work for the Physical Disks that we will not be able to convert due to Size & Time...
Q3. Any other forseable issues?
Q4. Any other ideas or examples how to get where I want to go in a better way?