I need some guidance with proper network setup of SOFS. I have dual port Mellenox 10Gb cards in both SOFS nodes and in my Hyper-V hosts. I also have 1 Gb (Mgmt) nics that connects the SOFS nodes to AD/DNS. I was thinking I would set the RDMA Nics on different subnets not routed to main AD/DNS network. Kind-of like a separate storage network. It appears that the SMB clients (Hyper-V hosts) use the 1 Gb interface as the main way into the shares. All 3 of the nics are set for client access in cluster manager. I thought what would happen is the clients would make the connection to the share through Mgmt then see the 10Gb nics are available to do SMB MultiChannel.
Do the RDMA nics need to have connectivity to AD/DNS to register their IPs in DNS since they are setup as CAPS? Should I eliminated the 1 Gb Mgmt links to clean things up and have Mgmt go through one of the Mellenox adaptors?
Currently the only Ips registered for Cluster name in DNS are the Ips from the MGMT nics.
Anyone have any advise?
Thank you for your time