Hi I want to know how to properly shutdown or stop windows cluster with out failover or failing it.
I have successfully created windows cluster on win 2008 R2 sp1 using vmware with starwind software for SAN storage.
Now when I shut down or stop cluster service on node1 it failsover and shows critical errors fine.ok... I tried to destroy and clean up cluster using cmd commands.Forcecleanup both nodes with cmd commands.it was successful.
Later I recreated san storage with target and initiator configuration using starwind without any issue.
I Reinstalled FC service on both the nodes restarted vmnodes.I cheked all the firewall were disable.and machines able to ping well..
Now when I tried to recreate new cluster it fails and gives different errors.AS Node1 was evicted from cluster,Another was Quoram was lost as no witness disk was found.
Also It did not show my cluster under FCM on Node2.I tried to add node Node2 but error saying Node2 is already in a cluster.
So I want to know how to manage windows cluster properly and manage it entries in active directory so that even after shutting/stopping the service/destroying cluster I do not need to do all over again.
I had to recreate all VMware from start and do AD setup and SAN storage again then only windows cluster got successfully created once again....................
I had to recreate all vmware nodes with FC sevice reinstalled and also recreate AD DS and DNS.