Hi folks,
Happy new year first :-)
I just have a question concerning the new behavior of the witness provided by Windows Server 2012 R2.
According to the Microsoft documentation I can read: The quorum witness vote is also dynamically adjusted based on the state of the witness resource. If the witness is offfline or failed, the cluster sets the witness vote to "0".
However in my lab environment (a WSFC with two nodes and a fileshare witness) I noticed that if the FSW is in failed state, the property WitnessDynamicWeight is still equal to 1. From my understanding this value would be changed to 0 in this case.
Name State NodeWeight DynamicWeight
Node1 Up 1 1
Node2 Up 1 1
Name DynamicQuorum WitnessDynamicWeight
winclust 1 1
If I try to shutdown one of my cluster node, the quorum is lost my case
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance