I have one web server which running around 45 to 50 applications. Recently server goes down due to some network issue at data center. now i want to keep one more server with same websites so if one of our server goes down another will keep running and users can still access websites. I have search on google and found one PS Script which create websites and transfer the data as well script as below.
add-pssnapin wdeploysnapin3.0
New-WDPublishSettings -ComputerName calantha -AgentType MSDepSvc -FileName c:\websites\calantha.publishsettings
New-WDPublishSettings -ComputerName saffron -AgentType MSDepSvc -FileName c:\websites\saffron.publishsettings -UserID administrator -Password pass@123#
Sync-WDServer -SourcePublishSettings c:\websites\calantha.publishSettings -DestinationPublishSettings c:\websites\saffron.publishSettings
just want know can this script will work in my case or i have to use NLB as my websites are not kept in shared and if i want to use NLB then i have to keep data on shared server or i have to keep it updated across all servers. Also i want to keep 2nd server to another country will it work with NLB
Akshay Pate