I have a2infrastructurewithHPDL380G7with2HBAs,and1fcsanHP
P2000G3FC,withdual controllers.
I installedon2 servers, Windows2012StdwithHyper-V.
I created aVMthat acts as adomaincontroller.
Then Icreated 2LUNs(Quorum=1GBandCSV01=1TB).
When I try tovalidate theclusterbetween the twoHyper-V, it gives meerroron the discs, telling me to"hiderecords"relating
to theLUNsaspart of ampio.
"...InnodeHyper-V01.msarcvs.locwere foundtwo disks thatcan not be distinguished. ...You musthide(specifyas not presentor disconnect)one of theseLUNsin the node... "
"Disk partitiontypeMBR.DisktypeBASIC.Thedisc is aMultipath I/ O(MPIO) redundant"