Trying to create a Windows 2012 cluster (Not R2). The cluster creation wizard goes through without problems. However, after a few minutes the cluster service dies with EventID 1556 and error code 2245 "The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements." The error repeats every few minutes.Looking at the cluster log, we find:
ERR Workitem(Sweeper::Sweep) callback threw exception: (2245)' because of '[CLI] Account Creation failure: 2245, 4294967295'
ERR [CORE] Shutting down cluster service because of unhandled exception in a worker thread
It appears it is trying to create the local CLIUSR account, but the self-generated password does not meet complexity... The local password policy is the default deployed with Windows 2012 - No unusual password requirement (8 characters with built-in complexity requirement)
I saw Elden's description of CLIUSR in - so I believe I understand what it is doing, but how can it not generate a password complex enough? And I do not see any report of anyone having this issue, so I suspect a local configuration / issue.