Im in use of 2 citrix webinterfaces, to make a cluster I used the Microsoft Network Load Balancing Manager.
It worked for a long time, then one day it crashed.
Since the crash i have interface 2 as active host in the cluster and it works, as soon as I add the interface 1, interface 2 goes offline, no connectivity on NIC anymore. then when interface 1 is in the cluster, pinging the cluster name responds, but from web im not able to reach the website (iis citrix webinterface), when I try to open the website directly using the hostname http://interface1... it responds. Now after this steps I have to remove interface 1 again from cluster, disable and enable the NIC of interface2 so this comes online and the cluster name responds again (ip + web). I need to use 2 webinterfaces to guarantee high availability. You have some tips how to solve this problem?
No errors in event log
thank you