I am tying to configure Windows Server 2008 failover cluster. It has two Windows Server 2008 SP2 nodes, Quorum configuration - Node and Disk Majority. I need to install SQL Cluster there and MS DTC is a prerequisite for the SQL failover Cluster.
I have successfully installed the DTS application but it fails when tries to bring online. The drive and IP address resources are online but Name resource cannot start.
There some logs I found in C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\ClusterLog.etl:
"[RHS] ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND(126), unable to load resource DLL mqtgclus.dll "
"[RCM] Failed to load restype MSMQTriggers: error 126. "
In the event viewer is only the following error:
Log name: System; Source: FailoverClustering; Event ID: 1205. The Cluster service failed to bring clustered service or application <server name> completely online or offline. One or more resources may be in a failed state. This may impact the availability of the clustered service or application.
Log name: System; Source: FailoverClustering; Event ID: 1146. The cluster resource host subsystem (RHS) stopped unexpectedly. An attempt will be made to restart it. This is usually due to a problem in a resource DLL. Please determine which resource DLL is causing the issue and report the problem to the resource vendor.
Any help will be much appreciated.