When we use Cluster Aware Updating, whichever one of our nodes goes last always ends up with no VMs on it. We're looking for the easiest way to be able to rearrange our VMs to even out the load across our 3 node cluster.
I thought of two options but don't know if there are better ways to do this.
1) I could manually set the Preferred Node settings on each VM and hard code which VMs should go to which servers. I'm assuming that after CAU would run it would use the Preferred Node setting to then move VMs around so they would match up with their Preferred Node
2) We could create a script that would be hard coded to put certain machines on certain VMs and we'd have to run that script every time we ran CAU each month
Would either of those be a better solution than the others? Is there a better way to do this that doesn't involve hard coding specific VMs to specific Hosts? We don't have a VMM server but I think that's something being investigated for the future.