I have a 10-node Hyper-V cluster connected via MS iSCSI initiator, to a MS iSCSI Server Target (single machine)
let´s forget the fact that my SAN/iSCSI is not fault tolerant and move on
we did a weekend maintenance and i´ve rebooted the iSCSI Server target after install (a lot of) patches and...
the nodes of the cluster were showing the "connecting" message.. no "volume1" available...
in the SAN/iSCSI Windows Server, the weirdest thing.. no iSCSI Server target service in the "services.msc" list of services!!!!!
the TCP/IP port was not there... no 3260 socket listening, as the service was not installerd.. but it was..
so i´ve uninstalled via server managae, reboot, installed again, reboot.. and!
everything was working fine again...
why is that? why the service misteriously disappera from the list of services? why the socket was not open? why server manager listed the role as installed?
Last year i have a similar problem (after installing patches and rebooting) in the same machine, but slightly different, wher i had to restart the iSCSI Server target (in these day, the service was there) to
make VMs to run
Maybe some patch caused the bug?