Hello all,
I'm trying to understand what is CSV File System Redirected mode and see the following:
1) http://blogs.msdn.com/b/clustering/archive/2013/12/02/10473247.aspx
2) http://blogs.msdn.com/b/clustering/archive/2013/12/05/10474312.aspx
The second article uses exact the same picture to illustrate the File System Redirected mode as the picture illustrating File Metadata redirection in the first one. If the second article is correct then, according to the first article stating"Metadata are always forwarded to NTFS. On the coordinator node CsvFs will forward metadata IO directly to the NTFS volume while other nodes will use SMB to forward the metadata over the network.", all non-coordinator nodes should ALWAYS have their csv volumes in File Redirection mode that contradicts the reasons of the File System Redirected mode described in the second article itself(User request, IncompatibleFileSytemFilter...).
Q1: Can\must metada redirection trigger the File System Redirected mode?
Q2: What requests are redirected in the File System Redirected mode - a) metadata b) read/write or both?
Q3: If "right clicking on a CSV volume and selecting the Turn On Redirected Access option" initiates theFile System Redirected Mode how is it possible to initiate a Block Level Redirected IO?
Q4: When one of the nodes suddenly looses connection to the shared storage will CSV switch toFile System Redirected Mode or Block Level Redirected IO Mode?
Thank you in advance,