I have a question regarding Windows 2012 Failover clustering.
We have Windows 2012 running with Exchange 2013 DAG. 8 nodes 1 witness server
There are few instances where one of the nodes lost the quorum due to network issues. When ever that happens cluster service goes in restarting (crashing). I tried to change Cluster service to manual and then start it but, it just keep crashing until I restart the server after that it works fine that node once again gets added into the quorum without any issues.
My question - Is it normal behavior if node lose the quorum cluster service keep restarting until you restart the server? Or is there any way to bring back that server in the quorum without restart of the server.
clussvc.exe version 6.2.9200.21268
The Cluster Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 15 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.