I have created a two node cluster (Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter) with two CSVs. My goal is to add 6 HyperV VMs on this cluster, which I can do, but the process is not behaving the way I expect it to. When I go to add the 6 preconfigured VMs, I follow these steps:
- From the Actions pane, click “Configure Role…”
- In the High Availability Wizard, select “Virtual Machine”
- Put a check in the box next to all 6 VMs and click Next
This process is successful, however, inside the Failover Cluster Manager, there are only TWO roles displayed. I expect there to be a role for each VM. One of the VMs is a role all by itself and the second role is a single role with the remaining 5VMs inside of it. I have tried multiple things to separate the VMs into their own role, to no avail:
- I tried creating an Empty Role, but apparently you cannot add a VM to an Empty Role
- I tried to create a new VM from within the Failover Cluster Manager. This was successful, however, it still added it to the second role
- I tried adding the VM via PowerShell. This was also successful, but again, it added it to the second role
Obviously my goal is to create 6 separate roles so that I can have the flexibility to down/move VMs around my cluster without impacting an entire group of servers. The VMs I am trying to separate are all on the same CSV. The one that is behaving as expected is on it’s own CSV, could that be the cause?