hi Folks ,
I have 3 servers connected to two san switches ,created two virtual san switch , one virtual machine created and has virtual HPA connected . when trying to move this virtual machine to another host LM failed with error
Live migration of 'Virtual Machine host2' failed.
Virtual machine migration operation for 'vm' failed at migration destination 'host2'. (Virtual machine ID 16741329-3B1B-42CE-926D-4F6486FA3CE6)
'host2' Synthetic FibreChannel Port: Failed to start reserving resources with Error 'This operation returned because the timeout period expired.' (0x800705B4). (Virtual machine ID 16741329-3B1B-42CE-926D-4F6486FA3CE6)
'host2': NPIV virtual port operation on virtual port (C003FF71E94E0004) failed with an error: The pre-determined timeout period for the virtual port operation (60 seconds) expired. (Virtual machine ID 16741329-3B1B-42CE-926D-4F6486FA3CE6)
Although all the configuration is like the following :
- NPIV is enabled in all ports
- the same ports in san switch created as the uplink of the same Virtual san switch name" all ports of San switch 1 created as VSAN1, all ports of san switch 2 created as VSAN2 "