I'm a unix guy who is new to clustering with Windows. I have two Windows 2012 servers that have the StorNext clustered filesystem mounted as drives on each. I was hoping to use the Windows 2012 servers to reshare this as CIFS and NFS. If I try to add the File Sharing role, I can't because I guess this role is not designed for clustered filesystems, its an active-passive type of cluster. Anyway it doesn't let you add an arbitrary local drive that is mounted on both nodes.
So if I could, I'd like to just have only the virtual ip as the cluster resource. I started a blank cluster with a virtual ip. But however, I can't connect to this virtual ip via CIFS. I can connect to each node's regular ip via CIFS, but it looks like the file sharing is not bound/enabled for the virtual ip. How can I do this? Bonus question, is Kerberized CIFS going to be possible at all without using the File Sharing role?