I have a Generation 2 virtual server running in a 2012 R2 Hyper-V cluster. This virtual server has four volumes:
C:\ (system volume containing the operating system)
D, E and F all contain non-essential data. Each volume on this virtual server is a separate VHDX file, so there are 4 VHDX files attached. Each of these VHDX files resides on separate storage. For example, if storage A goes offline, so does the VHDX file for D drive - all others remain online.
Question is, when even one of these VHDX files goes offline the virtual machine goes into a saved state. I do not care if the VHDX file for D, E or F drive go down. I would prefer the volume simply go offline on the virtual server OS, and the virtual server continues to run. Instead it goes into a saved state.
Is there any way to prevent the virtual machine from going into a saved state when any of its VHDX files go offline (excluding the VHDX containing the system volume)?
Thanks in advance,