I recently inherited a Server 2012 cluster and the event log shows 1196 errors about every 20-30 minutes going back for months. The error says "failed registration of one or more associated DNS name(s) for the following reason: This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Now I'm new to MS clusters but I have a theory on what's causing this.
Under cluster networks I have Cluster Network 1, and Cluster Network 2. Cluster Network 1 is our LAN. Cluster Network 2 is our iSCSI network (storage only). Under properties on Cluster Network 2 is has "Allow cluster network communications on this network" enabled with "Allow clients to connect through this network".
If it's trying to register the DNS name on the iSCSI network then it's no wonder it's timing out. I'm not sure what the operational impact of switching that network to "Do not allow cluster network communication on this network" would be.
So is my theory plausible? Is fixing my error as simple as disabling cluster communication on the iSCSI network? Is there any way to get more information about what is happening from the error message?