I am stuck while creating just another 2012 R2 FailoverCluster.
The clustertest-report ist 100% fine, no errors no warnings, but every time I try to create the cluster I do get the error:
"The name "XYZ" is already in use in active directory" and the similar events 4631 and 4657 are generated. I can try any (!) name e.g. "asdfhaifhgafj" - it does not matter at all. The error is coming up immediately no matter if I try the GUI or Powershell.
If I do precreate CNO it does not make any difference.
2x IBM HS22 Blades with local HDDs for OS (Win2012 R2 with any available patches) and some SAN-LUNs for shared storage and Quorum. Both are domain-member-servers only, no AD roles installed. Two NICs, NIC 1 with public IP (192.168.0.x) and NIC 2 for cluster heartbeat only (10.10.0.x, no gw, DNS= Public IPs are registered to DNS, AD computerobjects are existent.
I did create a cluster with these two machine last week - but after I could not manage to promote both nodes as a DC and could not install .Net 3.x and tinkered around, I felt better with demoting, uninstalling clusterroles, removing from AD and installing both machines clean from scratch. Both nodes do use new and unused names for sure and I already tried to disable NIC 2.
I could not google any event like mine - is there any idea out there?