raise a problem about CAU. Below is details:
enviroment : windows 2012 cluster. 3 Nodes( HV01, HV02,HV03)
analyze the cluster updating readiness on one node(HV01). get an error:
title: windows Powershell remoting should be enabled on each failover cluster node
Result: Error
Problem: windows Poershell is not installed or is not enabled for remoting on ome or more failover cluster nodes(NV02, NV03)
impact: CAU cannot perform one or more of the following actions on this failover cluster: 1) use pre-update or post update windows powershell scripts in updating runs. 2) use save-caudebugtrace on the cluster to collect the debug logs
also running the analyze on Nodes HV02 and HV03 , get the same error. the powershell no installed or not enabled for other two nodes
checked the powershell already installed on each nodes. and testing the configuration use below command
C:\PS> new-pssession Id Name ComputerName State ConfigurationName availability -- ---- ------------ ----- ----- 1 Session1 localhost Opened Microsoft.PowerShell available
what's the issue caused above error. Can give me some supports !