i have problem adding new node to existing failover cluster. Existing failover cluster is two node cluster with node and file share majority. i'm using this cluster for SQL AlwaysOn Availability group. There are no shared volumes.
when i use failover cluster manager console i'm getting error:
The server 'N3.local' could not be added to the cluster.
An error occurred while adding node 'N3.local' to cluster 'Cluster1'.
The parameter is incorrect
Also i have this error in Application and services log/Microsoft/FailoverClustering-Manager/Diagnostic:
Exception occurred in background operation - System.ApplicationException: An error occurred while adding nodes to the cluster 'Cluster1'. ---> System.ApplicationException: An error occurred while adding node 'N3.local' to cluster 'Cluster1'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The parameter is incorrect--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.ClusApiExceptionFactory.CreateAndThrow(Cluster cluster, Int32 sc, String format, Object arg0, Object arg1)
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.Cluster.AddNode(String nodeName, ClusterActionCallback callback)
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.Configuration.AddNodeManagement.AddNodes(ActionArgs actionArgs, ActionUpdateHelper updateHelper)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.Configuration.AddNodeManagement.AddNodes(ActionArgs actionArgs, ActionUpdateHelper updateHelper)
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.Configuration.AddNodeManagement.PerformAddNodes(ActionArgs actionArgs)
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.Configuration.ConfigurationBase.PerformActionWrapper(BackgroundOperationStatus backgroundOperationStatus, BackgroundOperationArgs parameter)
at MS.Internal.ServerClusters.BackgroundOperation`2.BackgroundOperationProc(Object state)
i have tried to add node from powershell with same error (parameter is incorrect). I have tried to remove Failover cluster role and add it again but i'm still getting the same error.
Please advice,
Thank you