i have a 10 node cluster running hyper-v work loads.
i have within this cluster, a management network, a csv network, a live migration network, a virtual machine vlan trunk and two iscsi networks that attach to my san - a pair of equllogic storage arrays ps 6110xv & E.
the issue is, in thd logs for the affected node, it reports the csv network is unable to find the other nodes abd this sends the affected noxe in to a paused state.
the nics are the same chipset but are now rebadged as qlogic.
cluster validation tests for the network all come back good apart from the iscsi nics warning about being on the same subnet (dells design).I'm at a loss.
ive evicted the node, cleared the configuration via powershell and readded it to no avail.
any ideas are extremely welcome.?