We had encountered multiple times a case where the volume numbers - which the virtual machines usually depend on to located their VHD/VHDX files and their configuration files as well - totally changes after storage restarts due to power failure or something, the path which Hyper-v usually uses to locate the VHD files are mounting points like C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1...C:\ClusterStorage\Volume10. the paths changes and the numbers Volume1-10 shuffles , resulting in VM's not able to start because it misses the location of the VHDX file or even the location configuration file of the VM as a whole, and as a solution we have to find out the changed volumes and change them or we have to reattached the VHD's or even redefine the VM, I believe there should be a better solution if we could define the cause first.
We searched a lot on internet and didn't find anyone reported such an issue although it happened a lot with us, and didn't find any solution or better workaround.
Appreciate your help.