I am having trouble with getting my 2012 Hyper-V HA Cluster at 100%. I have 3 nodes and it complains about the MS KB patches not matching across the 3, somethings that get installed have no "uninstall" - I can accept that.
It complains about 2 VMs that the tools don't match, well 1 is Ubuntu Server, 1 is a sandbox - I can accept that, but what keeps me at odds is how to FIX Event 1207, I am exhausted, looking at all the pages, fixes, help and I have tried everything I can think of, followed steps to no avail. I am missing something so simple - uggg. I have logged into AD (set it to advance) add permissions to the OU, CNO Etc... I understand you have to create it with an account that has proper creds, the CNO was created with my Creds (Domain Admin) 2 of the 3 nodes never complain, only the 3rd node, so I am thinking it is a AD Vs. this server node.
I am at a loss, any help would be appreciated.
Results by category (cluster manager validation report)
1 warning - Cluster Config - > Hyper V integration service version (Tools)
1 warning - Hyper-V Config -> Validate Software Update levels (Patches)
2 warning - cluster Config - > Validate Service Principal Name & Validate Resource Status (Sandbox is offline)
I am afraid I do not know enough about the SPN and how to fix it although I have tried everything and read articles, checked comm ports, checked creds to read status, create computer, update passwords etc..
Thank You