00000d40.000010e8::2016/11/04-16:45:56.259 INFO [RES] Network Name: [NNLIB] GetCreatingDC - name xxxx-yyyyyyy, lookup flags = 1-----------//------------- DNS lookup
00000d40.00002364::2016/11/04-16:45:56.268 INFO [RES] Network Name <AG01-STGCLUST-Listener>: Getting Read only private properties
00000bb0.000010e0::2016/11/04-16:45:56.598 INFO [API] s_ApiGetQuorumResource final status 0.
00000d40.000010e8::2016/11/04-16:46:11.260 ERR [RES] Network Name: [NNLIB] Could not determine creating DC for name AG01-STGCLUST, error 1355
00000d40.000010e8::2016/11/04-16:46:11.261 INFO [RES] Network Name <AG01-STGCLUST-Listener>: AccountAD: OnInitializeEnd: 1355
00000d40.000010e8::2016/11/04-16:46:11.261 INFO [RES] Network Name: Agent: OnInitializeReply, Failure on (bd229806-ac2c-4c08-83c6-487653568169,AccountAD): 1355
00000d40.000010e8::2016/11/04-16:46:11.261 INFO [RES] Network Name <AG01-STGCLUST-Listener>: Configuration: InitializeReplyCreation of NetName (type Singleton), result: 1355, IsCanceled: false
00000bb0.00001db8::2016/11/04-16:46:11.262 INFO [GUM] Node 1: executing request locally, gumId:350, my action: /dm/update, # of updates: 1
By above excerpt it seems like, there is a problem with DNS.
There is no firewall in between it is a plain and simple setup.
Site A- RWDC / -- 2012R2 Server
Site B- RODC / -- 2008R2 Server
Cluster node can only reach to site B. Moment I make cluster node reachable to RWDC, it works however that doesn't serve the main purpose of the environment.
In Netmon trace as well I see the difference in DNS query used for VCO netname.
I believe for this setup we do not need pure 2012R2 DC environment.
Any help would be appreciated, If any one able to set it up in a right way.
Followed this article still to create the environment.