I have a new 2-node hyper-v cluster with the following config:
2x 10gb nic for VM/LM; dynamic LACP team; VM vlans 101-151; LM vlan 96
4x 1gb nic for VM/LM; switch independent team
1x 1gb nic for management
Connected by a 3-switch stack of Cisco Catalyst 3750-X
I am able to run VM's on the 10gb nic just fine, but I can't do live migrations over it. I have tried setting a static ip for the team and made sure they were all on vlan96. The hosts can ping the switch, but can't ping each other even though the firewall is off. I also tried forcing live migrations to happen over the 10gb nic in the failover cluster manager mmc.
My two port-channel setups are pretty basic (port-channel 1 & port-channel 2):
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q switchport trunk native vlan 96 switchport mode trunk ip dhcp snooping trust
and then add the appropriate tengig interfaces to those groups.
I've checked the NIC Teaming console for both servers, and the team shows an OK status for the teams.
What am I missing to get this configuration working?