I'm new to 2016 Exchange, but here's my problem. Exchange seems to be running fine in general. We have two 2016 Exchange node (DAG). In my mind, I'm thinking that when I need to perform maintenance on one node, I should be able to fail over to the second node and then reboot node 1 without impacting production. It doesn't seem to work that way though.
First I:
1) Perform “server Switchover” to change the active databases away from the server I want to reboot to a DAG member that is not being rebooted:
Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase –Server ExchangeServerYouAreRebooting
Once I verify that all mail stores are mounted on the other node, I reboot. I'm expecting Exchange to remain available during the reboot, but immediately we start getting that error in Outlook that says that Exchange is not available (I forgot the exact verbage).
Anybody know why, or what I may have mis-configured to cause this?
Also, is Failover Cluster Manager the best tool to perform failovers with, instead of the power shell command I have been running?