I'm planning to set up cluster with win 2012 and 2012 R2 servers. It's my first one so I'd like to get some extra knowledge before I start.
Config is simple: Servers are virtualized with esxi, and physical machines are in two locations, connected via IPSEC. Both servers are domain controlers in same forrest/domain. When one is down- second can serve as backup. DNS and user login functions works perfectly- I tested it.
I also use it as small file server (~100 GB), and those files are not replicating automatically. now a use third party software to replicate it every night, but I trying to find way to improve it.
My first idea, was to run DFS, but I have my doubts. I think- ok I will set up DFS, but I'm planning to use radius in few months, so I'll have to set up every role/function separately on every server. And if a buy another server- whole sotry again.
Is it possible, to put second server in cluster with first one. I would like to work it like mirror. so when I configure file share on one of them- second one is configuring it self automatically (just like it replicates dns, or data about users or gpo). when I configure radius- other one is also configured as backup and so on.
Any ideas?