I have a two node 2012R2 cluster backed by a shared SAS JBOD. The cluster passes all validation tests - most specifically it passes the storage checks with flying colours.
It's using shared storage spaces which was configured and working perfectly with a quorum vdisk. The quorum can be moved between nodes without issue when moving the Storage Pool owner.
When adding a new vdisk to clustered shared volumes, immediately one of the nodes goes into redirected mode reporting that all storage paths are inaccessible. Snippet of the event;
Cluster Shared Volume 'Volume1' ('Cluster Virtual Disk (Test)') is no longer directly accessible from this cluster node
If I change the CSV owner, the bad node stops redirecting and the other starts redirecting.
To visualise the physical config - it looks like this;
My MPIO paths are configured, and the devices show up correctly with all paths available (on both nodes)
Extraction from the Get-ClusterLog - I think I've found the part that shows exactly what's happening - but I don't know what it means...
00000a98.00000b10::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 INFO [RES] Physical Disk <Cluster Virtual Disk (VirtualisationStorage)>: HardDiskpQueryDiskFromStm: ClusterStmFindDisk returned error=2147943568 00000a98.00000b10::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 ERR [RES] Physical Disk <Cluster Virtual Disk (VirtualisationStorage)>: Failed to locate disk, status -2147023728 00000a98.00000b10::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 ERR [RES] Physical Disk <Cluster Virtual Disk (VirtualisationStorage)>: FindTheDiskNumber: Unable to find disk. Error: '2147943568'. 000005ec.00000908::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 INFO [RCM] Group da40e60c-7971-4323-bd45-3a19f36599db: done going through resources, returning true 000005ec.00000908::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 INFO [RCM] da40e60c-7971-4323-bd45-3a19f36599db should not fail back from 2 due to possible owners 000005ec.00000908::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 INFO [RCM] da40e60c-7971-4323-bd45-3a19f36599db should not fail back from 2 due to paused nodes 00000a98.00000b10::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 ERR [RHS] Error 2147943568 from ResourceControl for resource Cluster Virtual Disk (VirtualisationStorage). 000005ec.000005b4::2013/09/10-19:55:30.842 ERR [DCM] failed to get diskNumber, status 1
Thanks and regards,