I'm currently running a Fail over Cluster with Cluster Aware Updating, it has three nodes, and everything has been working correctly, until this morning.
Today, both the cluster name and the cluster aware updating name has been telling me that the have a "Kerbeos Security Error" , and refresh was failing. I've followed the instructions on the post at http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/e6b4f518-84db-4a2d-8207-f839d819567f/fail-over-cluster-2012-kerberos-security-error (which basically amounts to simulating a failure, then repairing the cluster), which has cleared the kereberos error for the cluster.
The kerberos error for the Cluster Aware Updating server name (which is created when CAU is installed - ie CAUCLd8s) is still giving the kerberos error.
Can anyone shed any light on this, on how to fix this, but also why this is happening?