I work for a company that can easily run all our services off one host, let alone 2 or 3, but in the past before I started working here they did purchase 3 licenses of datacenter + SA so we could without needing another license. We still would like a cluster to minimize downtime in the event of a hardware failure though so I've been looking into an S2D cluster and have and S2D lab setup.
I keep reading vague/anecdotal claims that S2D is unreliable or doesn't work right with only 2-nodes. Is there any truth to that? Microsoft documentations states that 2-node might not fail over properly without a witness or 3rd node, is that what people mean when they say 2-node is unreliable? I wouldn't consider 2-node without a witness and it doesn't make sense why anyone would?
Of course you can't read the minds of random people on the internet, but I'm not sure what they're talking about? Is a S2D 2-node+witness less reliable than 3-node+witness? Obviously 2-node can tolerate only one failure and not two, but we have offsite hyper-v replicas already.
Is there something in S2D's design that it simply doesn't work reliably with 2nodes+witness?