We have a Windows 2008 R2 cluster hosting some generic application like Apache services and some opentext applications. It is node and disk majority with 2 nodes and a Witness disk.
Yesterday we were removing some disks which were a part of my Windows 2008 R2 cluster. While removing disks, it got hung while removing a disk which was mounted on another cluster disk(another resource in same application group). After five mins, the entire disks(46 disks) were moved to available storage and when I checked my application group, i found it was showing just two resources, one cluster disk and one Apache application- both in failed state.
There was an access point with name and IP address and now missing along with another two generic applications which were a part of this application cluster. Also all Cluster disks which were a part of this application cluster is now moved to available storage. I have checked cluster registry key, and can find registry values for all those missing resources on resource hive.
I am still able to ping the client access point with name and IP. But I cannot find anything on application cluster. I have tried cluster restarts, node restarts, but still shows same status. I have tried failover. Though it failed over between two nodes, the status is same.