Let’s assume a 4-node 2012 r2 (or 2016) cluster divided between two sites (multi-site cluster) with equal number of nodes in both sites (2+2) and file share witness (FSW) running in the 3<sup>rd</sup> site.
Now, if the communication between the two “main” sites gets severed, but both sites still can “see” the FSW, then one of the sites “wins” the witness lock and survives (retains quorum), while the other goes down.
I am not sure - but I think its going to be the one with the node that happens to hold the witness at the moment of the split, right?
Can we somehow steer what site will survive in this scenario? i.e. somehow ensure that the "wining" site will always be the one we prefer?
Pawel Mazurkiewicz
PS I am not referring to the scenario with FSW going down - then we could use LowerQuorumPriorityNodeID to choose the site.