I have setup up a two node Windows 2008 R2 cluster (Say, 'Node 1' and 'Node 2') . The AD/DomainCntroller machine (Say , 'AD 1') used for this setup was suddenly crashed. To bring up the 'AD 1' machine we had to uninstall the Active Directory/Domaincontroller application from this server.
Then we reinstalled AD application in 'AD 1' and recreated the OLD domain again. We have joined the 'Node 1 and 'Node 2' to the Domain again and now we are able to see nodes listed in 'Active Directory User and Computers'.
When starting the Cluster Service in Node 1 and Node 2, it started successfully. However in the 'Failover Cluster Manager' window, the 'ClutserNameService' is Offline and it failing with the following error with Event ID 1207.
"Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' cannot be brought online. The computer object associated with the resource could not be updated in domain 'xxxxxxx.com' for the following reason:
Unable to get Computer Object using GUID."
ANALYSIS DONE : Since the AD was recreated, the 'CNO' object doesn't exist in the AD. I believe this is the reason for the 1207 Event.
Like per-staging of 'CNO', I have created a computer object manually in the AD. Then took the GUID of this object and updated the GUID in Node 1 and Node 2 registry using the Regeidt --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE--> Cluster--> Resources -->ClusterResourceName-->
Parameter --> ObjectGUID .
Still I am facing the problem.
Please help to over come this situation.
Best Regards,