2 server with wins2008 R2 failover cluster
According to the
"High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows" document and configure it successfully.
but in Failover cluster manager failled to start the cluster
run "cluster log /g" find
000008e8.00000c80::2013/06/17-16:06:40.054 INFO [RCM] HandleMonitorReply: OFFLINERESOURCE for 'db2ha', gen(0) result 997.
000008e8.00000c80::2013/06/17-16:06:40.054 INFO [RCM] TransitionToState(db2ha) OfflineCallIssued-->OfflinePending.
00000f68.00000e60::2013/06/17-16:06:40.070 INFO [RES] Physical Disk: HardDiskpScopeShareCallback: Enter resourceName db2ha
00000f68.00000e60::2013/06/17-16:06:40.070 INFO [RES] Physical Disk: Attempt to REMOVE admin share H$ to/from netname DB2HA, returned 0
00000f68.00000e60::2013/06/17-16:06:40.070 INFO [RES] Physical Disk <db2>: HardDiskpCloseSVIHandles: Exit
00000f68.00000b78::2013/06/17-16:06:40.070 INFO [RES] Physical Disk: Enter EnumerateDevices: EnumDevice 0
00000f68.00000b78::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 INFO [RES] Physical Disk: Exit EnumerateDevices: status 0
00000ecc.000011d0::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 INFO [RHS] Waiting for Open call for DB2HA-CMS to complete.
00000ecc.000011d0::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 WARN [RHS] Attempting to call Open again for resource DB2HA-CMS
00000ecc.000011d0::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 INFO [RES] DB2 Server <DB2HA-CMS>: DB2ServerOpen (5) -> DB2HA
00000ecc.000011d0::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 ERR [RES] DB2 Server <DB2HA-CMS>: DB2ServerOpen (50) -> DB2HA-CMS
00000ecc.000011d0::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 ERR [RHS] RhsCall::Perform_NativeEH: ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND(5007)' because of 'Resource DB2HA-CMS: Open call failed.'
00000f68.00000604::2013/06/17-16:06:40.226 INFO [RES] Network Name <db2ha>: DNS name db2ha successful removed from LSA
what suggest to do solve this?