I am having a few problems with my 2008 R2 Core installation and am considering upgrading instead of just reinstalling which would be easier. My question is this; I have a three node failover cluster with Cluster shared volumes where the VHD and VM configs are stored on a NetApp SAN. I want to do a staged upgrade where I take two nodes out of the cluster and install fresh 2012 R2 full installs, configure the servers and set up the new cluster, once I have done that I can have a couple of hours downtime while I move the SAN over to the new cluster and then import all the machines into the new cluster.
The scenario works in my head but I was wondering if I am missing something. Also I am no iscsi guru so can someone give me a step by step guide to setup the MPIO and iscsi Section of the cluster.
We have a limited window to do this work as this will have to take place over the Christmas break which this year consists of 7 working days.
- Can I use the same cluster name or is it best to use a new one?
- Lastly should I remove the nodes properly leaving one node or just shutdown and let the cluster windge for a couple of days?
- Would I have to do any other config changes to the NetApp?