I configured 5 node hyper-V failover cluster in windows 2012 R2.
when it was done, I saw under hyper-V cluster properties as "Node and Disk Majority".
I went to cluster name--> More actions--> Configure Cluster Quorum settings. On the next wizard, I chose below "Use default Quorum configuration. and it gave me disk witness configuration on cluster disk1 and finished the wizard.
Now on the hyper-V cluster properties It is showing as witness: Disk (cluster disk1).
I am worried, now my hyper-V failover cluster is diskwitness only or it is with Node Majority also?????
when I click on nodes. I can see all nodes as assigned votes and current votes as 1.
The problem when I click hyper-V cluster properties it is not showing as node majority or node majority with disk witness. It is showing witness disk as attached below.
is it advisable to run set-ClusterQuorum command and set it back to NodeandDisk Majority or no????
there are no problems on running Vms. it is working fine.
but only above concern?