We are trying to Install MSDTC using powershell on a 2 Node Failover Cluster on a WS2012 std environment.
Everything goes right except the grouptype of the MSDTC resource appears unknown (9999). Instead of dtc grouptype(103). Please find the script block
Add-ClusterServerRole -Name $msdtcnetname -Storage "$dtcdisk" -StaticAddress $ipaddress Get-ClusterGroup $msdtcnetname | Add-ClusterResource -Name $msdtcname -ResourceType "Distributed Transaction Coordinator” Add-ClusterResourceDependency $msdtcname $msdtcnetname Add-ClusterResourceDependency $msdtcname $dtcdisk Start-ClusterGroup $msdtcnetname $grp=(gwmi -Namespace root/MSCluster -Class MSCluster_ResourceGroup | ?{ $_.Name -eq "$msdtcnetname" } ) $grp.setGroupType(103)
$grp.setgrouptype(103) - Returns a Generic Failure Error
This sets the grouptype locally and does not impact on the MSDTC grouptype .
Thanks in Advance for your help