Hi All,
I keep getting this error on my Windows Server 2012 R2 Cluster: "cluster shared volume is no longer accessible from this cluster node because of error '(1460')". I also get I/O timeout errors as well.
In my Lab, I have 2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Hosts both running the following specs
Server Specs:
Intel Gen3 i7 Processor
64-Gig of Ram
2x Intel I350-T2 (For use with SRIOV and VMQ) --> Latest Drivers installed from Intel
My NAS device is a Synology DS1813+, which supports ODX - Latest Updates applied from Synology
The above error is constantly occurring and is taking my CSV's offline, all VMs are either paused or in a crashed state.
I know their is hotfixes for Windows Server 2012, however the problem seems to persist on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Currently I've disabled VMQ and ODX, and will be monitoring it.
I'm not backing up any VMs i.e. not using VEAM or DPM, since this is a lab environment.
Are their any hotfixes for Windows Server 2012 R2 or any workarounds.
I will also be raising a case with Synology.