I have a four node cluster with CSV enabled. Out of the three disks in CSV, one of them is showing the status as "online(redirected access)". The other two disks are showing the correct status "Online". When checking the "critical events" section of the failover cluster i could see the following message:
Cluster Shared Volume 'Volume4' ('Cluster Disk 1') is no longer directly accessible from this cluster node. I/O access will be redirected to the storage device over the network through the node that owns the volume. This may result in degraded performance. If redirected access is turned on for this volume, please turn it off. If redirected access is turned off, please troubleshoot this node's connectivity to the storage device and I/O will resume to a healthy state
I'm using win 2008 R2. How should i know the exact cause of the above issue?
I checked the four possible causes as per http://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/archive/2010/12/16/troubleshooting-redirected-access-on-a-cluster-shared-volume-csv.aspx
Please help me.